Tuesday 8 March 2016


J.A. Huss
Publication date: March 7th 2016
Genres: Rock-star Romantic Suspense

Welcome to RK’s rock star life.
I was living the dream, I was full throttle, all in, one hundred percent on top of the world. But it’s a hell of a long fall back down when you finally crash and burn.
Welcome to the delusions, the final act, the coming-to-Jesus moment when there’s nothing left to do but look yourself in the mirror and ask… How did I get like this?
I am RK’s living nightmare. I am RK’s empty soul. I am RK’s unchecked fantasy world that makes no sense to anyone.
I only have one thing left. Just one girl holding my broken pieces together.
And even she might be a lie.
Rock is a standalone rock-star romantic suspense by the New York Times bestselling master of twist, JA Huss.

OMG! Twisted Rocker! I always love reading a book by Julie A. Huss and Rock is no exception. Each and every book of hers is different.  I know going in that regardless of what I might think there isn't any way to predict what will happen based on past experience except:

ü It will be good
ü Chances are the twists and turns are going to make my stomach clutch many times 
ü It will be a thoroughly emotional reading experience
ü The road to the end will not be predictable and, not necessarily, what I think I want
ü I will not put the book down until “the end” appears

I need to apologize upfront because this review is going to be vague.  Hints can ruin the story and the reader has to follow the trail or the experience won’t unfold as it should.  So, here goes. 

Rock is the stage name of Rowan Kyle Saber or “RK” to his family and hometown residents.  The story is written in first person point of view from RK's perspective.  Throughout most of the story RK's head is totally muddled and, therefore, as the reader you are confused and putting the pieces together with him. 

Rock is forced home after a fatal accident that killed most of his band mates.  Rock is trying to communicate with the other surviving member but the doctors won’t allow visitors until they can assess his physical and emotional health.  The situation takes RK back to another accident where he is the only survivor and he wonders why this is happening again.  

The two incidents running around in his head put him in a type of PTSD fog preventing RK from remembering either accident clearly.  The only thing he knows for sure is the pain of survivor’s guilt.  Because the reader is in RK’s head we don’t know what memories are real and what memories are a safety mechanism because the truth is too much for RK to bear.

So I wonder as I read: Is this memory real or not?  Can the people around him be trusted?  Are they trying to convict him of something he didn’t do?  Do the people in his life care about him at all or are they jealous of his success? 

At one point I figured it out and thought oh Julie you are slipping.  Then wham! I had to take a sharp left turn, scratching my head, and realize no she isn’t slipping.  I scream at my kindle at different parts.  No you aren’t going to do that to me!  Then I beg.  Please don’t do that to me.   There are so many mind blowing, emotional ups and downs my heart is pounding through most of the book.  In fact, I held my breath through the last twenty percent of the book waiting for the ax to fall. 

Someone said recently that Ms. Huss writes in a Hitchcock style, a good description of her writing although sometimes she throws in a little Twilight Zone too.  It is an adventure.  She transports me smack dab in the middle of her stories.  I feel what the characters feel and that isn’t always pretty but it is real.

Suspense/mystery/thrillers are my first love. The challenge of solving the puzzle before the author gives all the clues is fun.  However, Julie tends to flip all the puzzle pieces over and the reader is further challenged with only the blank cardboard.  It isn’t until the last piece is in place that you see the picture.  Rock is a major puzzle with the pieces turned upside down. 

You must read Rock.  It is an emotional experience in a good way.  Rock is a gift from an excellent storyteller.  


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Author Bio:

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.
You can chat with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (www.newadultaddiction.com).
If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list (http://eepurl.com/JVhAr) and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

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